$39.00 USD

Time to Flourish Personal Creative Retreat: 

You live your passion and share a message of hope by creating sacred space through art, music, gardens, gems, food, or words, according to your creative expression.
What satisfaction when your work aligns with your gifting! But birthing your calling is isn’t always easy. It comes with labor pains as you juggle the responsibilities of life, care for your own soul, and search for clarity in how to share your message.
Time to Flourish Personal Creative Retreat provides space set aside for you to renew and refresh your creative heart. We’ve pre-recorded the sessions from our live event to allow you to create a personal respite from the swirl of summertime activity.
You have a dream you’ve been trying to birth, but you can't do that disconnected from the heart of the Master Creator.
This package includes access to a four-part video series and a 40 page creative journal. 

We're offering the Time to Flourish Personal Creative Retreat Series for only $10 for summer camp students who want to harness the power of story.

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Power of Story LIVE 2023

Power of Story Live creates space for you to stay on track this summer as we dig into God’s Word and engage with your personal story. No matter the genre you write, your life story is the single most powerful source of your message. For the three months of summer, we meet up seven times with personal instruction from Jenny and Mindy, live QnA, and co-working breakout rooms with the summer camp crew.

What's Included:

    • Immediate access to the learning portal with your Getting Started Workbook 
    • Seven Training Sessions 
    • Three Group Coaching Sessions
    • Lifetime access
    • PDF of all Teaching Slides
    • Zoom Breakout Rooms for co-working with writing colleagues
    • BONUS: Submit your devotional for publication on the FlourishWriters website


Over the course of 12-weeks, you will receive seven training sessions released on a Monday, and we will meet three times live for group coaching . All replays of live events are provided. 

  1. LIVE Kick-off June 5
  2. Idea Phase   June 12
  3. Planning Phase  June 19
  4. LIVE Group Coaching: June 24
  5. Organizing Phase  July 3rd
  6. Writing Phase  July 24
  7. LIVE Group Coaching: July 31
  8. Editing Phase  August 14
  9. Publishing Phase August 21
  10. LIVE Group Coaching: August 26

Payment Details:

    • One payment only.
    • Payment will be deducted from your Credit Card or PayPal account automatically and you'll be emailed a receipt from either Stripe or PayPal.

What People Are Saying:

Hello everyone, I want to tell you that since joining Flourish Writers I have learned how to write devotionals! That is something that I really wanted to learn to do. So 2 days ago, the editor of my local hometown newspaper offered me a job of writing for the faith page in the paper. There's no pay, but I get my byline - and that's an exciting thing to see! I want to thank Jenny and Mindy and Flourish Writers for helping me along my writing journey! You all rock!

Karen Utter Jennings